Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Chicken Nuggets Bento

I like to buy my gyoza from this little Japanese grocery on Callahan called "Minnano." It seriously is the best gyoza you can buy frozen. The owner, who is aware of my love for bento told me she saw these mickey mouse shaped chicken nuggets at Target that would be perfect for bento. I don't usually "buy" disney, but I figured I'd check them out next time I found myself in the frozen food section at Target.

Well I found them. They are made by a company called "Pilgrims Pride." I know it just gets better and better-Disney and now Pilgrims. Surprisingly they sounded pretty good (for frozen chicken nuggets.) They are made with white meat and have lower fat and sugar, 15g of protein per serving (which is five peices). Anyway I figured I would give them a try. We had a test run the other day for lunch and my seven year old seemed to enjoy them. A couple of severed Mickey heads, that must have fused together during the production process to form one large odd-shaped Frankenmickey, added an element of amusement to the initial experience.

So I packed them for lunch today with a little tub of ketchup (upon request), cheese and cherry tomato kabobs on a bed of romaine lettuce, strawberries and grapes, homemade tortilla chips cut into cute shapes with cookie cutters, and a couple of Hello Kitty wheat crackers. The yellow container holds cotton candy as a special treat. That's right. Straight up sugar. I don't often do this, so I don't feel bad about it at all. Not to mention, it's a miniscule amount.

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