Saturday, December 26, 2009

Introduction and other intimate musings

I am a 34 year old Chicana/Tejana/Mother/Grad Student/Wife. I have a BA in American Studies and I am just wrapping up my Masters in Cultural Studies. I am preparing to enter into a PhD program in the fall. Being in academia, despite all the bullshit politics and hierarchy, really does make me happy. Academia is still wrought with sexism and racism and just plain old I'm-better-than-you-ism. But I feel like I'm fighting the good fight, you know. I believe I am where I need to be.

After a couple of years of wanting to start a blog, I finally decided to take the first steps towards doing something about it. I held off doing this sooner for several reasons. First, I wondered who in their right mind would want to read what I have to say? Then I thought what the hell am I going to write about? I need a hook, right? Something to reel them in. Well I don't have one. What I do have, however, is a need to write and space to do it. What else could I ask for? Well, an audience would be nice, but I'm not going to let that stop me. Mostly I worried about whether or not people would like what I write. I know, sad and a little annoying now that I am so aware of it. I came to the conclusion that there is always going to be somebody who does not like what I have to say or those who will consider my momentary lapses in judgment as pathological flaws in character. I cannot let this stop me.

I'm starting this blog with really no direction whatsoever. I figure the theme will present itself at some point and at that time maybe I will change the name or format to match. Until then I'm just going to use it to document my experiences, thoughts, and whatever else comes up.

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